Local Sports Amp Recreation 2009: N Age

Local Sports amp Recreation

n AGE 55 AND OVER MEN’S PICK-UP BASKETBALL: Monday and Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.
to 1:30 p.m. at the Bethel Municipal Center. No charge to play. Call Marty at 203-743-9757, Mike at 203-743-6936 or Jack at 203-743-5482. n IAABO BASKETBALL OFFICIALS: The Fairfield County Board of Approved Basketball Officials (IAABO 9) is seeking men and women interested in becoming registered high school boys and girls basketball officials. Classroom sessions will begin in mid-September. If you reside in Fairfield County, are at least 18 years old, in good health and wish to apply go to www.iaabo9.org to download an application. Application deadline is Sept. 1. Contact Secretary/Treasurer Joe Gintoli at . CHEERLEADING n BETHEL COMPETITIVE CHEERLEADING MONTHLY MEETINGS: Third Wednesday of each month, 8 p.m. at Bethel Municipal Center. Call Ron Lienhardt at 203-791-2239. CYCLING n HAT CITY CYCLISTS RIDE & DINE: Leaves the Bethel Municipal Center parking lot at 6 p.m. every Wednesday. Rides from 12-30 miles at speeds varying from 12 to 20-plus mph with ride leaders. Helmet required. Optional dinner at a local restaurant after. Look online at hatcitycyclists.org. FOOTBALL

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