Making Books Sing Spring Benefit 2014

Another fun event with Making Books Sing

Join us this spring for another fun event to share lots of knowledge, education and joy.

The Making Books Sing 2014 Spring Benefit will take place Monday, April 7, 2014 (6:30 10:30PM) at Battery Gardens. Hosted by MBS Advisory Board Member Gary Adamsen, MBS will honor Stan and Helen Kayafas and Teaching Artist Laura Poe.

We are also pleased to have mixologist Peter Roccaforte join us for the evening! He is creating two mind-blowing signature cocktails for our guests:

The Easy Reader: Bourbon, Grapefruit Juice, Simple, Basil

The Spritz Landing: Gin or Vodka, Aperol, Simple, Champagne

Purchase your Raffle tickets today to win one of these Spectacular Prizes and help support Making Books Sing serve more NYC kids!

$20 – 1 Raffle Ticket

$50 – 5 Raffle Tickets

$100 – 10 Raffle Tickets

Raffle Prizes can be purchased online without having to attend the Spring Benefit. The silent and live auction will take place at the benefit.

For tickets, click here and for your donations, click here

Event Date and Time:
Starts at: