After finishing a very successful Walter Murray Youth Leadership Conference early in the month, Swampscott Rotary Club president reports things have been relatively quiet.
They have started regular meeting planning the club’s annual Scholarship/Charity Golf Tournament, which is being held this year at Tedesco Country Club Monday, Aug. 17. They still have spaces available for additional players. Contact Tom Belhumeur (781-593-2295) for more information. This month’s Quest for Excellence winner from Swampscott Middle School is Marblehead and Marblehead Harbor Rotary Clubs both played a major role in the visit of five South Africans of the 2009 Group Study Exchange. In the past several years, teams have visited Marblehead from Australia, India, Holland, Philippines, Italy, Austria and India. Next May, Marblehead Rotarians will play host to a Group Study Exchange from London. Marblehead Rotary president and Marblehead Harbor president , were both on hand at the District Governor’s Awards Dinner, May 2, when they received both the Presidential Citation and the Governor’s Citation on behalf of their clubs from District Governor Tom Elliott in recognition of their achievement for the 2008-2009 Rotary year. Marblehead Harbor Rotary will install its 13th president, Marblehead resident , an aeronautical engineer with General Electric, Tuesday, June 16, with a special dinner at Tedesco Country Club. John will lead the club for the Rotary year 2009-2010, followed by President Elect For those of you who have attended the Duct Tape Race for Pure Water, a homemade-boat competition between several Rotary clubs, Swampscott, Marblehead and Marblehead Harbor at Fisherman’s Beach in June, the event will take a hiatus this year, and the clubs look forward to holding the event again in 2010.
Marblehead Harbor Rotarian , Marblehead METCO director, has been appointed assistant principal of Marblehead High School.