Marine Commandant To Play In The Missouri Friends Of Injured 2009: No Hazards

Marine Commandant to play in the Missouri Friends of Injured

James Terry Conway, a St. Louisan and 34th Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, is headed to town to participate in the Fifth Annual Missouri Friends of Injured Marines Charity golf outing. Tee off will be Aug. 30 at the Country Club at the Legends. Check in begins at 10:30 followed by lunch the game will start at noon. Conway, 61, graduated from Roosevelt High School and attended Southeast Missouri State University where he was in the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology in 1969 and was commissioned as an infantry officer in 1970. Conway still has family in St. Louis so he will be visiting them on this trip. According to the event organizers, the St. Louis golf outing raises more money for the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund than any other fundraiser in the country. Last year the Missouri Friends of Injured Marines charity golf event raised $180,000 that went to the Semper Fi fund at Camp Pendleton, Calif.
The special guest of honor for this event will be Marine Lance Corporal Brandon Pelletier. Pelletier’s right arm was crushed at the elbow while he was on patrol in Iraq in 2007. He has had three operations at Barnes Jewish Hospital to repair nerve damage from the injury.

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