Maritime Museums Food And Wine Fest Set 2009: Year8217s Celebration

Maritime museums food and wine fest set

This year’s celebration coincides with the museum’s 20th anniversary.
More than 3,000 wine enthusiasts from the Coastal Bend and across the nation will experience a selection of wines from distinguished vineyards in Texas and around the world during the Roaring ’20s-themed celebration. The Festival of Wine and Food opens with the annual Patron Party on May 21. Billed as “a blast from the Roaring ’20s, the Patron Party will welcome revelers with a Bathtub Gin cocktail reception, a Cat’s Meow auction and an elegant seated dinner followed by a floor show and music for dancing by the nationally renowned show band, Rotel and The Hot Tomatoes. The festival will be from 4 to 11 p.m. May 23-24 on the grounds of the museum, 1202 Navigation Circle in Rockport. The event also will include featured beers and treats and cooking demonstrations by top area chefs. Vintners will give wine seminars during which they will select appropriate wines to accompany the chefs’ gourmet delights. Local restaurants will offer fine cuisine to tempt the palate in the food court and an array of vendor booths will feature gourmet specialties for the home. Festival-goers also will hear live music by Somebody’s Darling, Sam Sliva & The Good, Jayar & The Atomic Blues Band, and Larry Joe Taylor. Admission is $20 for one day or $30 for two days. Price includes commemorative wine glass, three tasting tickets and a festival program. Tickets may only be purchased at the gate. You must be 21 years or older to consume alcoholic beverages.
Tables for eight may be reserved for the Patron Party. Fleet Admiral underwriter tables may be reserved for $2,000 Admiral tables are $1,000 Commodore tables are $800 and individual tickets are $150 per couple or $75 for singles. Proceeds benefit the Texas Maritime Museum.

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