Entry fee Contestants, who pay a $150 entry fee, will be asked a spectrum of trivia questions.
As an added incentive this year, the winning team will designate $2,000 to their charity of choice, said Lillian Barker of GoodWorks Insurance, an event organizer. All other funds will go to the Southern Berkshire Regional School District’s Eagle Fund and the Berkshire Hills Regional School District’s Fund for Excellence. Both support enrichment programs outside the normal curriculum funding. With tightening school budgets, supporting these programs is even more important now, Barker said. High competition level Contestants are also encouraged — but not Last year’s winners — the Three Mustachekateers, a group of Monument Mountain High School teachers — and the original winners — Les Trois Apiculteurs (The Three Beekeepers), headed by local attorney Louis J. Oggianni — will return to try and recapture the “golden hive” award, Barker said.