Merrimack Valley News In Brief 2009: Merrimack Valley

Merrimack Valley News in Brief

Merrimack Valley News in Brief Rotary names best teacher May 14 The Lawrence Rotary Club presents its 11th annual Teacher of the Year awards
to Lawrence school teachers on May 14 at 6 p.m. at DiBurro’s in Bradford. The nominees are teachers from public or private school, in grades kindergarten to 12. They were nominated by principals, fellow teachers and parents. The judges are educators from outside of the city schools. The top teachers will take home The Crystal Apple and Rising Star, honor the tenured teacher and teacher with up to five years of experience who have best captured the spirit of “Make Dreams Real.” Keynote speaker at the event will be attorney Wendy Estrella. Tickets for the banquet are $35, plus a handling fee, online at More information available by calling Diane Shikrallah, chairman, at 978-372-355
Golfers go for President’s Cup

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