Mix Rock Jazz Rutgersfest Performer Is The N Result 2009: N Result

Mix rock jazz Rutgersfest performer is The N Result

The N Result performs at the “Where’s Waldo†event on April 3.
The band, which originally formed as The Ross Lippencott Band, will play at Rutgersfest tomorrow on Livingston campus. Left: The N Result contributes five people toward the 1,052 Guiness World Record-breakers of largest gathering of “Where’s Waldo†characters in a single place at the State Theatre. Right: The band performs at the Battle of the Bands contest on March 31 at the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. Left: The N Result contributes five people toward the 1,052 Guiness World Record-breakers of largest gathering of “Where’s Waldo†characters in a single place at the State Theatre. Right: The band performs at the Battle of the Bands contest on March 31 at the Rutgers Student Center on the College Avenue campus. Be the first to comment on this article!

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