Muscat MCCP Steps Into Its 18th Year 2009: Candles Curse

Muscat MCCP Steps into Its 18th Year

“It is better to light candles than to curse the darkness”.
Muscat Aug 15, 2009: The Mangalorean Catholic Centre of the Parish (MCCP) has been enriching the lives of community members over the years with its mission statement “United to Serve the Community” despite many limitations, and on Friday, August 14, 2009 the MCCP stepped into its 18th year of existence with new executive committee under the leadership of very ambitious professional – Suraj Rebello, focusing on the contemporary theme “Sthree – Gharso Divo, Saunsaraso Uzvad” (Woman – Light of the house, Radiance of the world) referring to women who play different roles in our lives. This is to encourage maximum participation by the female (women) folk in the main stream activities with a view to fully utilize their potential talents and thereby strengthen their confidence to inspire others towards community service so that the radical hope set on the inaugural day keeps glowing stronger & stronger generating manifold results. “MCCP Inaugural Day 2009” on Friday, August 14, 2009 started with Holy Mass in Konkani at 10.30 am and was celebrated by MCCP’s Spiritual Director &ndash Rev. Fr. Albert D’Silva OFM Cap. at Sts. Peter and Paul Church Main Hall &ndash Ruwi, and more than 600 people participated in the celebration. Rev. Fr. Albert, in his homely entrusted Mother Mary to be the role of model for all women of our community and gave an example to prove that how children feel safe in hands of mother even in any desperate situation. Choir was led by Apolinaris D’Souza together with the renowned community singers. The choir was voiced by Victoria Soares, Dolphy Vaz, Nirmala Goveas, Lancy Sequeira, Jovita Sequeira, Valerian Peris, Ronald Lobo, Vivian Fernandes, Jessy Castelino, Anitha Lobo, Ivan Moras, Lancy Pinto, Naveen Mascarenhas, Flavia Castelino, Jessy Serrao, Flavia D’ Souza and Clita Crasta. Meval Dantis provided the music. It was a homely experience for most us as majority of the members are of rural upbringing and hence the Mass in Konkani took the members down the memory lane towards their homeland.

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