Musical Support For SafeTay Campaign 2009: Rock Bands

Musical support for SafeTay campaign

ROCK bands are set to join forces in Perth to raise funds for a campaign to prevent tragedies on the River Tay.
Fair City charity Safe-Tay will be hosting its own marathon fund-raising event at Mucky Mulligans in Canal Street on Saturday, June 6. Book Yer Ane Fest II is the fourth heavy metal extravaganza to be held in memory of the late Perth musician Graham Motion, who played drums with the group Allergo. Safe-Tay founder Lisa Stuart said event organiser Derrick Johnston had kindly offered to donate all the rock show’s proceeds to her organisation. “The profits will aid the development of future water safety initiatives within Perth and Kinross,” Mrs Stuart told the PA yesterday. “It is always heart-warming to know that my brother Graham is still in people’s thoughts, especially when the event involves Graham’s passion, which was music.” All money raised from the gig will go towards the cost of creating a new interactive website aimed at teaching children water safety awareness.
Safe-Tay hope their new online pages will be ‘live’ by late-August, while the charity also intends to launch its third poster and beer mat campaign at Book Yer Ane Fest.

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