Run Inspired!, it was an event happened lsat Jan 24, 2021. With an inaugural three-week virtual charity run organized by NKF, aims to achieve a collective distance of 55,000km to advocate kidney health as a nation and raise $200,000 which will go towards providing Artificial Kidneys (A.K.s.) that are crucial in patients’ dialysis treatment to filter out waste and excess fluids.
With every race entry ticket and T-shirt purchased, you are also donating part of the sales proceeds towards A.K.s. You can be our Run Ambassador too! Turn your everyday hobby into a tangible cause by starting your own fundraising campaign to garner support and donations to help needy patients. Advocate for health and advocate for the renal community now! There are 4 race categories to choose from: 5km, 10km, 21km and 55km. The race distance is cumulative over 21days.