Other Courts News In Brief 2009: Courts News

Other courts news in brief

Other courts’ news in brief Court approves Chartbusters rescue scheme A scheme aimed at ensuring the survival of 28 Chartbusters home entertainment stores and
172 jobs has been approved at the Commercial Court. The scheme provides for new investment and a new management structure, with group founder Richard Murphy leaving by December 31st. The scheme provides investment of some €700,000 and for a new management structure at Chartbusters, with Mr Murphy ceasing to have a shareholding. The majority shareholding, 51 per cent, will be held by John McCabe and the remaining 49 per cent will be held by Catherine Kenny and Anthea Jordan. The court heard the stores were trading profitably in examinership assisted by substantial rent reductions negotiated by examiner Neil Hughes. Mr Fanning added that the costs of the examinership, including legal fees, amounted to €300,000. Compensation offer rejected
A judge has refused to accept a €15,000 settlement offer as adequate to compensate a five-year-old child who broke his arm on a trip to Disneyland in Paris.

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