Early afternoon on Saturday, May 09, Dallas Fire-Rescue answered a call to an overturned boat at Lake Ray Hubbard during the ‘Spring Poker Run
Charity Event’. A boat traveling at a high rate of speed attempted to make a sudden turn without slowing down and subsequently ejected its six passengers into the water. Fortunately, everyone that was ejected was able to receive immediate assistance to shore by bystanders in three different boats. When DF-R’s ‘Marine 1’ arrived at the scene, everyone was accounted for and had been transported to shore with various injuries. Garland Fire Department paramedics were on scene, and transported all six patients to local hospitals for further evaluation. Four were taken to Baylor Hospital of Dallas, one to Baylor in Garland and another to Parkland Hospital. Source: City of Dallas
It’s the last day. The Texas Gypsies are playing. Plus, moms love how Addison tastes. You can’t lose. More info