Paint For A Happy Period

Social painting with bottomless mimosas!

Winey Art and Harakati Studio have teamed up to support #Happy Period! #Happy Period is asocial movement of girlfriends giving homeless women and girls a chance to have a #HappyPeriod.#Happy Period’s mission is to provide feminine hygiene essentials to women and girls who may otherwise go without.Embodying the change through sisterhood.Imagine having an uncomfortable period, now think about the many homeless women and young girls that experience that same discomfort monthly because they don’t have the luxury or resources that you have.

A Message From The Founder

The idea for #HappyPeriod came to me in a profound way. One day I was driving, stopped at a busy intersection, and I witnessed a homeless woman openly bleeding and defecating on the corner. At the time I was on my cycle and I thought about how blessed I truly am. I thought about how it can be considered a luxury for me to be able to tend to my moontime needs whenever and however, comfortably.

Yet, I immediately wondered about the woman I was looking at and all homeless women who have their cycles every month. What do they do? Where do they go? Is their a way for them to get sanitary care? How do they clean themselves? Are they forced to steal products? Whats the worse case scenario?

I got some answers from doing my own research, but I wanted to create a solution. A rep of an LA womens shelter told me that they dont even get donations of feminine products, and barely use funds to buy them. It was all I needed to hear. I felt like this was my sign from the Universe to personally do something. Poverty, houselessness, or homelessness is reaching an all time high. This cause affects all of us, especially us women. Yes, we all have periods every month. But, can you imagine dealing with your period while being homeless? Its something most of us dont think about. Once the thought entered my mind, I couldnt let it go.

I have truly found more happiness in #HappyPeriod through helping others and promoting sisterhood. This is my act of changing the world. This is my attempt at making another womans reality less of a nightmare.

Love & Light,

Chelsea VonChaz

Grab a mimosa, grab a brush and join the fun as we raise funds and paint on the awareness of #Happy Period!!!

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