Parade Of Bikes Revs Up For Weekly Summer Mile 2009: The Seventh

Parade of bikes revs up for weekly summer mile

THE seventh annual Bikers Make a Difference weekend has been a rip-roaring success with more than 30,000 people attending in just two and a
half days. Speaking from a packed Paignton Green yesterday, chairman Derek Mills. who is also a Torbay councillor, said: “It is absolutely wonderful. The best show ever. “We had thousands here on Saturday and there are thousands here again, and we have more bikes than ever.” The motorcycling charity has become famous for its weekly, Wednesday night meetings, when a mile of motorbikes can be seen parked along the seafront. They start on May 13 and will run until the end of September. “Yesterday, we topped £13,100 and we are on course to beat the amount we raised last year,” he said. “This is a local event with bikers showing their generosity for the charities that we work for and it is now turning into the main event on Paignton Green. “The mayor was down here yesterday and was ecstatic about it. It is turning into a major event, like England’s Sturgis.”
Organisers spent three days prior to the long weekend getting ready for the event that finished last night and was expected to attract 30,000 people and 5,000 motorbikes.

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