We all had fun at Mumbai Lounge, so let's get together again to have some fun for a good cause.
The cost will be $10 at the door, and proceeds will go to World Toilet Organization, which provides toilets to the third world. There will be a DJ, and we plan to have a raffle sale. Come party for a good cause! March 22 is World Water Day, and water sanitation is one of the biggest issues facing the third world. Having toilets is one of the best, if not, the best, way to improve water sanitation and reduce the spread of diseases. To learn more about World Toilet Organization, you can go to www.worldtoilet.org. If you have any questions, you can feel free to call me at 678-427-4610 or e-mail me at bharat.bhatia2000gmail.com
For more details on Party At Mumbai Lounge For Charity Atlanta charity event visit Event Details meetup.com.