Peter Brock Memorial Cruise For Charity

Peter Brock Memorial Cruise for Charity Orton Bradley Park Marine Dr Banks Peninsula

You are invited to attend a famliy day out at orton bradley park where the holden enthusiasts club of Christchurch will be running the
peter brock memorial cruise for charity, in aid of Cholmondeley Children’s Home and with suport of the principal sponsor Blackwells Holden. The entrance to the park is by way of a $!0 per family request, which will go to chh, the entertainment at the park will include a dj playing for the afternoon, an appearance by st bedes rockquest finalist much2much.
There will be a bouncy castle, interactive car pods for the children, a bbq run by the chefs of canterbury, a chocolate stall operated by sheire delights, a display tent will have memoribilia about Peter Brock including the suit which he wore at his last Bathhurst win.
As well as all of this there will be many Holdens on display. if you drive a Holden, and would like to be part of the cruise also, register online on and click on the cruise for charity where the info is all there and the cost for that is $25.
We look forward to seeing you on that day. If there is rain tune into the rockfm as they will be promoting the event during the week leading up to the day.

Event Location:
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