Posted by Jennifer Leggio 3:46 pm Last week at a networking event I had quite the heated debate with , a man I
respect and admire very much. But we’re on opposite sides of a very important issue: Celebrity influx on Twitter, good or bad, as it pertains to business He says good, I say bad. Maybe it’s not so black and white. We likely meet in the middle somewhere. But the lovely folks of have invited us to have this debate on air this Friday, May 8, at noon PT. We’ll talk about the following: Twitter has been infiltrated by celebrities. Oprah was welcomed with open, very public arms. Ashton Kutcher held a charity race against CNN to up his follower counts. And let’s not forget poor Wil Wheaton, who was one of the first of their kind to join Twitter. This surge of celebrity attention has been great to add further validity to Twitter in the eyes the more mainstream masses. But what does this mean for B2Bs who have included Twitter as part of their strategic marketing efforts Specifically: