Project AIDS And Cancer Gala

“Project AIDS and Cancer” Dinner and Fashion Show Gala

Introducing the “Project AIDS and Cancer” Dinner and Fashion Show Gala.
Local and national fashion designers will unite for a charitable cause with the F.A.M.E Los Angeles and LA Fashion Corner’s “Project AIDS and Cancer” Dinner and Fashion Show. This unprecedented fashion event will take place on Thursday, May 26th, 2011 inside Athenea Night Club and Restaurant, 14755 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. The event will raise funds, awareness and remembrance to the millions of lives lost to the disease, draws attention to the needs of millions more living with HIV/AIDS, and renews commitments made to tackle the epidemic. Though many designers have supported their individual causes in the past, this event marks the first time so many designers have banded together in the name of one cause.
AIDS has already claimed the lives of more than 25 million people throughout the world, while an estimated 33.2 million live with HIV – alarming numbers highlighting the need to remain vigilant. It is one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. The Los Angeles and LA Fashion Corner’s “Project AIDS and Cancer” Dinner and Fashion Show event is one of many efforts to spread common messages on prevention and increasing the awareness and knowledge about HIV/AIDS among our citizens.
Presented by F.A.M.E Los Angeles and LA Fashion Corner co-sponsored by Athenea Restaurant, Lousine Karibian and Celebrity Nightlife Publicity, Inc., this star-studded fashion show is set to cap off the Memorial Day Weekend by showcasing some of the country’s most exciting new fashion designers. The fashion industry’s top models, wardrobe stylists and hair and make-up artists have donated their time and talent to the cause.
This post, “Project AIDS and Cancer” Dinner and Fashion Show Gala, has been a Jolly People free advertisement for Charities.

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