We invite you to help Para La Tierra, a UK registered small charity working in rural Paraguay, to protect one of the worlds fastest disappearing habitats – the Gran Chaco.
The Chaco has been over exploited in the last 20 years by large agricultural organisations and cattle farmers. What’s left of it now needs to be protected before more irreprable damage is done.
Para La Tierra is focused on the protection of threatened habitats in Paraguay through scientific investigation and community outreach. Since 2010, Para La Tierra has published 19 scientific papers, trained more than 180 young scientists, developed an environmental education program for children and young adults and installed sustainable programs in three impovrished communities. Now we need your help to repeat this success in the Paraguayan Chaco.
The money we raise will go towards the creation of a new Para La Tierra station, which will include a new training centre for young scientists who will learn research skills while learning about the conservation issues which face the Chaco, and helping Para La Tierra to conserve it. Please give what you can. Every tiny bit helps.
Contribute to our campaign at http://www.indiegogo.com, starting on the 23rd of May.
We can do this together.http://www.paralatierra.org