Protesters Of Campbells Psycho Donut Shop Focus On Mental Health 2009: Campbell Reporter

Protesters of Campbells Psycho Donut shop focus on mental health

Campbell Reporter Positioned in front of Psycho Donuts on S.
Winchester Boulevard, local mental health advocates were making sure their concerns were heard. They spent their morning passing out “stigma-free” doughnuts to customers headed into the shop to purchase pastries with names like “Bipolar” and “Cereal Killer. “The purpose is to educate the community about mental health concerns about Psycho Donuts. We’re not trying to shut the place down, just raising concern,” said Patty Eaton of the Silicon Valley Independent Living Center. The controversy about the corner doughnut shop has taken on new life in recent weeks, with mental health advocates unable to sit down with owners of the shop and, subsequently, taking a more My City Other My City pages proactive approach. But most customers of the shop were not as concerned. One by one on May 3, they stopped by the shop, many of them bringing their kids along, to enjoy the shop’s doughnuts and attractions. One Campbell resident visiting the shop on Saturday had checked it out online and thought he would give it a try. He said that he understood why some people find it offensive but didn’t think there was any intention to hurt anybody.
Some passersby had differing views.

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