Purple Bra Day On 19th Of June

Unleash your inner hero and support Western Australians affected by breast cancer


The streets of WA are preparing to turn purple as heroes take up the challenge to wear the iconic purple bra on the outside of their clothes to raise money for those affected by breast cancer.

Registrations are now open for Purple Bra Day 2015 and we are inviting YOU to take on the challenge. We need people to stand up and help us raise much needed funds to help us to continue to provide support to all West Australians who are fighting their way through a breast cancer journey.

Can YOU make a difference?

Register at www.purplebraday.com.au and you’ll receive your free HERO PACK containing everything you need to get fundraising (including your bra of course). Once you have your pack, you can then get fundraising. You can do ANYTHING!

We encourage you to get creative decorate your purple bra, dress up in purple, hold a morning tea, dare the CEO to wear the bra if enough money is raised, etc.

We provide you with the Purple Bra to be worn OVER your clothes, so all you need to do is strap it on and encourage everyone to dig deep and donate to you! You can raise even more funds with raffles, auctions and competitions! See our website for more fundraising ideas.

Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: