Real Housewives End Season With A Bang 2009: X201cthe Real

Real Housewives end season with a bang

&x201CTHE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY&x201D &x201CNCIS&x201D What did you think of last week&x2019s &x201CNCIS,&x201D which introduced Chris O&x2019Donnell and LL Cool J
as characters of a possible spinoff Part Two airs tonight. We&x2019ll know May 20 if it gets the greenlight 8 p.m. CBS GOT TALENT &x201CAmerica&x2019s Got Talent&x201D is still looking for the next Susan Boyle. In case you&x2019ve been living away from a computer, grocery line or TV, she&x2019s the British singing phenom from &x201CBritain&x2019s Got Talent.&x201D If you have Boyle-esque pipes &x2014 sounds like an icky disease when I write it that way &x2014 you can upload an audition video to MySpace. Producers are accepting videos through May 11. Selected participants will then audition on a show devoted solely to MySpace participants. Go to for details. The show premieres June 23. MUMBLE ALERT
&x201CAmerican Idol&x201D: This season has given us some unlikely mentors, from Quentin Tarantino to Jamie Foxx. Tonight&x2019s is none other than Slash, formerly of Guns N&x2019 Roses. If he can push his hair back from his face, the former hard rocker should be able to give the kids great advice. 8 p.m. Fox

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