Reas Business Is Helping People 2009: Rea Opened

reas business is helping people

REA, which opened Friday inside the former Food Lion in Spring Lake, is not actually a store.
The folks who run it told me I should stress that to you guys. So, again, REA is not really a store. But many of you are going to be able to get things there. Here&x2019s the deal. REA stands for Resources Exchange Association, which is a not-for-profit corporation with the motto &x201CPeople Helping People.&x201D It&x2019s not open to the public. But let&x2019s say you&x2019re associated with a nonprofit organization. Then you can go to REA, which is on N.C. 210 just north of Wal-Mart.
What if you&x2019re a teacher with the Cumberland County school system You can go.

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