Ruel Fox To Join Robson And Merson At Charity Match In Truro 2009: Involved Send

Ruel Fox to join Robson and Merson at charity match in Truro

Get involved: send your pictures, video, news and views by texting PKNEWS to 80360 10:56am Thursday 20th August 2009 CHILDREN’S Hospice South West have
released three more big star names who will feature in next month’s charity football match in Truro. Two weeks ago the charity, which is raising to build a new hospice to service the families of Plymouth and Cornwall, revealed that Bryan Robson and Paul Merson would be playing at Truro City’s Treyew Road in a football match taking place on Sunday, September 27. Popular dance group Flava will also be at the event entertaining the crowd before the 3pm kick off so people are advised to arrive early to enjoy the pre-match build up – gates open at 1pm. The group is best known for reaching the semi-finals of ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent in 2008.
Added to that the charity is also looking for an official mascot for the event and is inviting nominations.

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