Save The Childrens Vietnam Cycle Challenge

Save the Children Vietnam Challenge 08

Save the Children Vietnam Challenge 08

Days: 13 days
Cycling time: 5 days
Cycling Distance: approx 400km
Fundraising Target: $6,000
Trip Highlights:

Seeing the life-changing work of Save the Children first hand
Cycling alongside the paddy fields of Vietnam and taking in the spectacular scenery
The children with a thousand hellos and smiles
The wonderful cuisine and ancient culture

Following the success of the 2007 Great Wall Challenge, Save the Children Australia is giving twenty people the opportunity to raise vital funds and undertake an unforgettable adventure.

Cycling Vietnam is a magical experience along our route you will be in contact with the real Vietnam an experience you will find hard to forget.

Save the Children Australia is offering you this opportunity by paying a small registration fee and fundraising a nominated amount in support of their international programs. You will of course need to put in some cycling training and then we guarantee you an adventure of a lifetime.

Ready to register

Simply download and complete the booking form and send it to us by fax or post. You will need to pay your registration fee of $700 at the time of booking (or $350 then a further $350 one month later). This is a personal contribution to cover administration costs and it cannot be fundraised. It is not part of the overall target and is non-refundable and not tax-deductible.

When we receive your booking form well send you a Registration Pack and Fundraising Kit including guidelines on how to prepare for your adventure, what to bring, and a fitness training program.

Have a question

Please call Jamie on 02 9907 7088 or
Fax: (02) 8915 1457
Address: PO Box 563 Balgowlah, NSW2093

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Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
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