Sleep Out 2023: Transforming Lives Together

Homelessness among the youth is a pressing issue that continues to afflict societies worldwide. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, a significant number of young individuals find themselves without stable housing, facing the harsh reality of homelessness. Whether due to economic hardships, family conflicts, or other unfortunate circumstances, these young people are deprived of the basic human need for a safe and secure place to call home. This vulnerable population faces numerous challenges, including limited access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities, further exacerbating their predicament. Understanding and addressing the causes and consequences of youth homelessness are crucial steps towards building a more compassionate and inclusive society.

One organization dedicated to addressing the issue of youth homelessness is 1625 Independent People. With their unwavering commitment and comprehensive approach, they strive to provide support, shelter, and opportunities for vulnerable young individuals who find themselves without a home. Through their innovative programs and community-driven initiatives, 1625 Independent People is making a significant impact in combating youth homelessness and empowering these young individuals to build a brighter future.

To further their mission and raise vital funds for their impactful programs, 1625 Independent People is organizing Sleep Out 2023, an upcoming fundraising event like no other. This unique initiative invites participants to spend a night sleeping rough, experiencing a glimpse of the challenges faced by homeless youth and rallying support for this critical cause.

Get ready for Sleep Out 2023, our biggest fundraising event of the year, dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of young people.

On November 2nd, 2023, join us at the iconic Lloyds Amphitheatre in the heart of Bristol to support our mission of preventing youth homelessness. Could you give up your bed and spend a night under the stars to help vital funds?

Last year, our collective efforts raised a massive £28,699. This year, our target is to reach £40,000, but we can’t do it without your valuable support!

Unite for a Common Cause:

By Sleeping Out, you will be joining a community of people in Bristol and the South West, who are committed to preventing homelessness. Whilst this night does not seek to replicate the harsh experience of being homeless, it gives an idea of what it could be like.

Together, we can make a difference in young people’s lives.

Join Sleep Out 2023 and help make a difference in the lives of homeless youth. Register now!

Charity Organization Name:
1625 Independent People
Event Location:
Lloyds Amphitheatre, Explore Ln, Bristol BS1 5LL, United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: