The Scottish Society for the Protection of Animals (SSPCA) has hit out at event organisers that use live goldfish, as reported by the BBC.
The SSPCA said any one using fish in this way could be fined. SSPCA chief inspector John Carle said: “Our advice to anyone thinking about using live fish as table centrepieces would be think again. You could find yourself facing a considerable fine and you can also be given a lifetime ban on keeping animals.” The warning came after an event organiser asked for care advice from the charity for the goldfish they were planning to use as table centre pieces for a dinner event. The SSPCA said the welfare of fish was not even a consideration of organisers of these events, as the bright lights and loud music made them unsuitable environments for fish. The SSPCA also objected to fish being used at an event where alcohol is being served. Carle said: “These fish may look very pretty, but as the night wears on and people become influenced by alcohol that’s when the problems start. We have heard of people emptying alcoholic drinks into the bowls or trying to take the fish out of the water. We would also be very concerned about what happens to the fish at the end of the night, when they are no longer required.”
Fish are protected in Scotland under the Animal Health and Welfare Act 2006 and in the UK by the Animal Welfare Act 2007.