It may be a bit warmer thiswinter but never the less, it is still getting cold out there, and the St Vincent’s Winter Appeal needs your warmth to share with the many thousands of battlers, struggling to make ends meet.
Victoria’s St Vincent de Paul Society has more than 7,000 members and volunteers to help provide assistance to over 660 000 people in need, most of whom call during the winter months. They need the gifts and the support of the remaining couple of million Victorian residents to help.
The funds raised by St Vincent’s Winter Appeal will go towards helping the aged the physically, mentally and psychiatrically disabled youth at risk drought affected families migrants refugees and other marginalised disadvantaged groups.
The Wiggles are already on board believing it to be a worthy cause, urging people to donate their time and become volunteers and sports stars have been on the ball for a while now, working with St Vincent’s soup vans.
But you don’t have to be astar to
add a little warmth to someone’s life
this winter. You can be somebody’s hero just by giving something to the St Vincent’s Winter Appeal.