Star Trek Club Heading To Film In Fan Style 2009: Parsippany Mdash

Star Trek club heading to film in fan style

PARSIPPANY &mdash Michelle Hendricks and her fellow club members all dress in Star Trek uniforms.
They plan to set up a 6-foot long, 4-foot-tall starship console at Parsippany Cinema 12 on Thursday night. For Hendricks and some 15 others who belong to a club called USS Justice, the opening of a new Star Trek movie is a chance to enlist new members. “It’s definitely a recruiting event,” said Hendricks, a 31-year-old hydraulics engineer from the Lake Hiawatha section of Parsippany. Club members will be at the theater in uniform when “Star Trek” opens on Thursday night, and they intend to be there again on Friday and Saturday. They will have information available about their group, a local Star Trek fan club that meets monthly at the Morris County library. The USS Justice has been around for 15 years and its members — ranging in age from their early 20s to their 60s — have filmed their own Star Trek fan episodes. In addition to the monthly meeting at the library, they meet at local restaurants. Last Tuesday, Hendricks, her husband, Gene — the commanding officer of the USS Justice — and their 9-month-old daughter were among 19 other Trekkers and their families at the Empire Diner on Route 46.
They don’t only talk about Star Trek, Michelle Hendricks said.

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