Stephen Colbert Brings Down The House 22683648220 Or Does He 2009: Colbert Publicist

Stephen Colbert brings down the House 22683648220 or does he

Colbert, through his publicist, declined an interview request, and the show’s producers similarly refused to talk about the series.
There may be hope if Colbert shows the hypocracy and corruption of both sides of the isle. If he serves only to spin for the Dems, he’ll lose impact. If he roasts both sides, as they deserve, Colbert will gain credibility for his satire. True comedians find comedy everywhere, they are not pitch men for a cause. Foremost go after the leaches that have been there for decades and have no touch with reality. Finally, a story on Politico that I think is extremely relevant. You end on the wrong note though. Most of us who watch The Colbert Report know that the entire five minutes we watch and think is funny is made out of pieces of a two hour interview with someone who was big enough to come on TV and take a chance. Young students place their faith in the representatives who go on The Colbert Report. Not the Eric Cantors of the world. Edit: Except for the ones who went on at the very beginning and clearly had no idea what they were getting into. I don’t think we hold them in higher esteem. So it is Rahm , and not only the mentally challenged among repugnicans , who is so dense as to believe Colbert is a conservative . What a perv!
Remembering Jack Kemp.

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