Support For Brave Tot Overwhelming 2009: Fun Poorly

Support for brave tot overwhelming

A FUN day to help poorly tot Brooke-Susan Logan fulfil her Disney dream saw dozens of families turn out in support at the weekend.
As reported, the brave toddler is suffering from a Wilm’s tumour – a form of kidney cancer – and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. Her parents Vicky Donnelly, 24, and Jonathan Logan, 30, of Humberston’s Cedar Close, want to make Brooke’s dream of meeting Minnie Mouse come true. With a series of fundraising events that were inspired by the late Ashley Greensides, charitable residents have come together to give them a hand. Vicky said: “It’s lovely what everyone is doing and it’s really overwhelming. Cancer sufferer Brooke-Susan Logan enjoys an ice-cream at a charity fun day with mum Vicky. “We are very grateful because although what people are doing for Brooke is really nice, we know there are other children out there who are in the same boat and it makes us sad to think of them.”
Sunday’s event was organised by Dawn Appleyard, 47, who heard about the tot’s plight through friends.

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