Sustaining Gulf Coast Organizing, Advocacy and Leadership: A Tour with Twenty-First Century Foundation March 2-5, 2008 Louisiana & Mississippi Registration Fee: $600
Deadline extended to Feb. 13th! Register Now! Three years after hurricanes Katrina and Rita devastated the Gulf Coast region, local communities engaged in rebuilding are tackling additional challenges in the wake of hurricanes Gustav and Ike, and in the context of persistent socioeconomic challenges for people of color and those living in poverty. Twenty-First Century Foundation (21CF) invites you to join its staff and members of Gulf South Allied Funders (GSAF) on a tour of the Gulf Coast with local leaders who are working towards a just, equitable and sustainable recovery of the region. Participants will have a chance to go on site visits and have substantive dialogue covering:
emerging issues in the aftermath of Gustav and Ike
the ongoing challenges in the rebuilding process
Twenty-First Century Foundations extensive work in the Gulf Coast
donors efforts to leverage resources and
strategic opportunities and challenges related to national politics.
When is the Trip March 2-5, 2008. Please plan to arrive in New Orleans on the afternoon of March 2nd because the tour begins with an opening session over dinner at 6PM. The tour will end mid-day on March 5th. An itinerary will be provided as we get closer to the trip dates. What Do I Need to Do to Get on the Bus Space is limited on the tour so we encourage you to reserve your spot on the bus ASAP. All participants must register online. The registration fee is $600, and includes meals and transportation to and from site visits during the tour. Registration does not cover airfare to New Orleans or boarding. How Do I Register All participants must register online. If you have problems with online registration call Erica Waples at 212-662-3700. The registration deadline is February 13, 2008. Lodging After your registration is confirmed, you can book rooms at the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel in New Orleans by calling 1-888-364-1200 by February 13th and asking for the "Spring Donor Tour room block. We have negotiated a group rate of $199 per night. Waitlist Priority to attend the trip is available to participants who can attend all days of the tour. If you can only attend part of the tour, we can add your name to a waitlist that will be reviewed at the registration deadline. About the 21CF Gulf Coast Organizing, Advocacy and Leadership Initiative Since 2005, 21CF has made more than 200 grants totaling more than $3.2 million to worthy and proven groups throughout Louisiana, Mississippi and the neighboring states of Alabama and Texas, as well as to national organizations working in the region who are committed to rebuilding a Gulf Coast that will be stronger than prior to the hurricanes' devastation. This special initiative involves collaborating with partner organizations in the affected regions and mobilizing individuals and organizational allies from different parts of the country to ensure that resources get to the people who need them most. For more information, visit . The tax deductible portion of the registration fee is $300.