The Award Fundraising Dinner

The Duke of Edinburgh Award Fundraising Dinner

Duke of Edinburghs Award Fundraising Dinner

Enjoy an entertaining night at the Duke of Edinburghs Award fundraising dinner at the Hilton, Adelaide. You will be entertained throughout the night. There will be raffles, a lucky door prize and auction items throughout the evening.

All proceeds from the night go to the Duke of Edinburghs Award, to increase youth participation in the Duke of Ed Youth Development Program in South Australia with the specific outcome of building stronger, more capable, young people who have confidence, self-worth, resilience, leadership skills, connection with their community and hope for the future

Join us at this event and help us achieve our mission to reach over 2,000 young South Australians in 2009, including those who are disadvantaged.

When: Friday 29 May 2009 from 7:00 pm to 11:30 pm
Where: Hilton Adelaide
Cost: $175 per person
To register please fill in the attached form and return to us.

Gala_Invite_email.pdf (463 KB)

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