The Lonesome Buckwhips’ Charity Gala

The Lonesome Buckwhips Charity Gala San Francisco Bath House Wellington

Dunedin’s finest family band play a series of charity concerts as part of a final farewell or ‘poroporoake’
to the country that has taken so much and given them so little over the years. This is possibly your last chance to glimpse their unique brand of hilarious country music and onstage bickering before they up sticks.
The Lonesome Buckwhips’ Charity Gala will feature a mix of old favourites, new hits and banned material as they reflect on a career spent trying to part you from your money.
It’s onstage feuding, political satire and ‘family fun” all rolled into the catchiest tunes this side of Te Wai Pounamu.
All proceeds will go to a South Island family band of the Buckwhips’ choosing.

Event Location:
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