Threads Of Summer ’07 – In Association With SpazioCasa

Threads of Summer 07 in association with SpazioCasa Capital E Wellington 8212

Join us for a night of romance and glamour with some of New Zealand’s top
designers and labels including:
Miss Wong, Robyn Mathieson, Country road, Kilt, Hamilton & Murray, Desire, Goodness, Estella’s Wardrobe, Farrys for Men, House of Hank and Wellington Hatters, Mischief Shoes, Hoo-ha and Filiokus Children’s Dress-ups.
Shopping spree weekend and other great prizes to be won!
Tickets available from: Gallery Frames, Khandallah Village Mischief Shoes, 354 Lambton Quay
For more information ph 973 0006, ph 934 0784 or email
Proceeds to benefit Onslow Kindergarten

Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: