This Week And Spring For A Cure, New York April 27 – May 1, 2009 This morning was quite possibly the most beautiful Monday
walk to work I have ever had. The smell of the air (minus the lung-crisping secondhand smoke I have to deal with) made me wistful for my old Internet technology lab team at IBM (it was called WebAhead at the time). Lousy with above-genius-level software engineers and inventive IT architects, the lab was corralled by the lone communications type, moi, on sun-drenched days just like today. Destination Outdoor lunch of hotdogs and cheese fries at Corey’s in Southbury, Conn., a no- dead hotdog stand situation with either a large carved bear outside or an Indian. I can’t remember. We would bake in the sun with our cardboard baskets of food, throwing good-natured barbs from across the picnic tables resting in the never un-dusty gravel. Smiling from the sunshower of those memories I realized that we may FINALLY be out of the winter woods into a new summer where I’m still surrounded by some pretty great people, and I welcome the outdoor lunch miracle that is Shake Shack’s cheese fries. So what’s in store for us this beautiful light-summer week THEN – because you know, one event just isn’t enough for me – after quick-dropping my write-up of the IFC situation into your inboxes and the Internet, I’ll be heading over to Happy Ending to help Andrea Rosen, Digital Marketing Manager, and the rest of the L Magazine crew celebrate their 6th anniversary. As always, I’ll be photo-journaling the entire event so you will know if the ending truly is happy. I have that weird no-pants feeling that usually means I’ve forgotten something — which makes me think I RSVPd for something tomorrow night (Tuesday), but that I forgot to put it in my Google calendar. Remind me if it has something to do with you.
I have to get in line at Shake Shack now, so I can inhale cheese fries by 2 p.m. Enjoy your Monday and let me know if I’ll be seeing you at an event this week!