Make a flyer and pass it out in your neighborhood.
My daughter and I did this a few months ago and she picked up two babysitting jobs on our street. Offer your services as a tutor, baby-sitter, errand-runner, PC tutor, EBay or Craigslist seller, car-washer, or pet-sitter. Here are some non-traditional ideas to consider: Are you a good writer Offer to help with the college essay writing process. Typically by July 1st, the colleges post their essay questions to the admission pages of their website and the summer time is ideal for high school students to get a head start on this process. Are you a healthy eater Start an edible garden at your own home to work out the details. You will enjoy the bounty all summer. (Hint: I started with pony packs from the home improvement store first and then graduated to seeds as I become more knowledgeable). Advertise your services to your neighbors and include photos of your garden. Are you organized Offer to clip coupons for your family, do the meal planning and grocery shopping, and ask if you can split the savings. Once you become proficient, offer your services to a busy neighbor. I have articles on my website to help you get started with beginning and advanced coupon shopping strategies. Have friends looking for money too Host a group garage sale. Post the event on your Facebook page and invite all your friends to spread the word. Volunteer in your community. You will learn valuable skills, network, accumulate volunteer hours and gain insight for your college application essays.
Lori Felix has a money-saving website called The site is a one-stop shop for inspiration and money saving ideas from savers all over the country. You can also contact her directly at