By calculating a charities ability to generate future income based on the size of its membership base, commercial licensing deals and public awareness a consultancy firm called Intangible Business has calculated the top ten British Charity Brands.
Here are the top brands in order:
1 Cancer research UK – 209m
2 The National Trust – 192m
3 Oxfam – 172m
4 The Salvation Army – 113m
5 The British Red Cross Society – 108m
6 Wellcome Trust – 104m
7 RSPCA – 94m
8 Barnardo’s – 94m
9 The Arts Council England – 89m
10 The British Heart Foundation – 85m
Note these results are not the biggest by income generated and according to the brand guru’s Charities can have a brand more powerful than their income and this includes Amnesty International which is ranked 62 by brand value but 218 by income.
Neither of these measurements reflects how effective the actual results of charitable efforts that these charities produce.
For more information on Charity Brands visit: