Upstream Challenge 50km Charity Walk

An annual 50km charity walk and run in Melbourne

The Upstream Challenge, an annual 50km charity walk and run in Melbourne organised by the Upstream Foundation, is set to take place for the eighth year on Saturday 17th November.

What isthe Upstream Challenge?

50km walk or run from Docklands to Donvale along the picturesque Yarra River

Enter asan individual, 50km team (2-6 people) or relay team (2-10 people). Each relay participant must walk a minimum of 30km.

There is noregistration fee however each participant must commit tocollect a minimum of $200 in donations, $50 of which will need to be donated at the time of registration.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible

100% of donations go directly to the beneficiaries

Event Location:
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: