This fundraiser, hosted by Operation:I.V, Inc, is an infusion of help for Iraq & Afghanistan Combat Veterans suffering with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury.
Funds raised here will provide the medical and other services our Combat Vets need.
The recently exposed VA shortfalls highlight the need for private care for our Combat Veterans. Founded by Gold Star Mother Dr. Roxann Abrams after losing her own son, SFC Randy Abrams, to PTSD suicide, Operation:I.V. is determined to help our Combat Veterans get the help they so desperately need.The current suicide rate among Combat Veterans is 22 Veteranseveryday! The solution is Veteran Intervention Plan (VIP) through Operation:I.V., Inc.
Operation:I.V., Inc. is a non-profit organization – for more details, visit our website.
For your donation visit go to this link