Volunteer Awards Program Seeks Nominations For Various Categories 2009: Reporter Bull

Volunteer awards program seeks nominations for various categories

For The Reporter • February 16, 2009 Nominations for Cheers for Volunteers award winners are due at the Volunteer Center of Fond du Lac
County, 650 N. Main St., by 4 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 26. The awards will be presented at the annual Cheers for Volunteers recognition banquet to be held May 7 at the Ramada Plaza Hotel. Persons interested in nominating individuals for awards may obtain nomination information by logging onto www. cheersforvolunteers.org or by calling the Volunteer Center at (920) 926-1414. “This is a wonderful opportunity to honor the many volunteers in Fond du Lac County through volunteer programs within organizations,” said Kathy Korb of Grande Cheese Company and co-chair of the event in a press release. Each award winner receives a $1,000 cash award that he or she may give to a charity of choice within Fond du Lac County, according to a Volunteer Center press release.
The Volunteer Center, a United Way agency, serves Fond du Lac County by mobilizing people and resources by connecting volunteers and opportunities to serve.

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