Monday, 11 May 2009 SMILES on the faces of those who made it to the finish line say it all.
Whether a winner, or one of those bringing up the rear, the Keswick to Barrow walk brings out the best in people. Every year the sense or spirit is clear for all to see. This year, perhaps more than ever. For starters, there were a record number of entrants, an amazing 2,300 making the early start in Keswick. That’s some commitment in itself for a charity fund-raiser given these tough economic times. Add in some of the worst weather conditions in the event’s long and illustrious history – with driving rain turning to hail, and strong winds whipping into the competitors’ faces, and the effort of all those involved, competitors, marshals, organisers, can be truly appreciated. The 1,934 who made it across the finish line made it another record as the highest number ever to finish.
ANY positive news on jobs right now is to be welcomed.