Walking is one way to promote a healthy lifestyle.
It is also a way to raise money for a favorite charity and provide support for those battling a devastating illness or disease. Here is a look at some of the efforts to “walk for good” locally. Many more events take place each year check the Weekly Record regularly for news on upcoming walks. The 2009 P.I.N.K. Breast Cancer Awareness Walk will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday[jco: 5/9: ] at John Rudy County Park in East Manchester Township. P.I.N.K. (Power in Knowledge) was started in 2005 by four women, all breast-cancer survivors, looking to provide a network for other survivors.
“We started as a network, a group, that could talk to other women who just found out they had breast cancer, share experiences, talk about treatments and health issues,” said Lisa Fritz, one of the organizers.