Wellington Samaritans Fundraising Concert

Wellington Samaritans Fundraising Concert Wellington Cathedral of St Paul Cnr of Molesworth and Hill Streets Wellington

Wellington Samaritans will be holding a fundraising concert, featuring New Zealand’s Premier Baroque Harpist, Robin Ward, with guest appearances by vocalist Lisette Wesseling.
The programme will be a selection of 17th through 19th century music from the British Isles, Europe and Latin America.
Tickets are available from Samaritans’ Office, 472-3676, (underneath Wellington Cathedral of St. Paul) from 9-12, Mon-Fri, or at the door.
Proceeds from the concert will be going towards covering our operational expenses, which allows Wellington Samaritans to provide an anonymous, non-religious, non-judgemental listening and support service to the community.

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