Welsh Football Fans Make 2500 Mile Pilgrimmage To Azerbaijan By Road 2009: Involved After

Welsh football fans make 2500 mile pilgrimmage to Azerbaijan by road

Get involved AFTER months of planning, a group from the Welsh Football Supporters Charity Gol, will begin their 2,500 mile charity drive to Baku,
Azerbaijan, on Friday. The 26 ambitious drivers will leave Cardiff with a fleet of nine bangers in a project named ‘BakuorBust’. On the way, they will take aid and relief to over 20 orphanages and good causes, before crossing into Azerbaijan where Wales will play in a World Cup Qualifier on Saturday, June 6. More than &pound10,000 has already been raised, some of which will help the places visited – the rest will help good causes where Wales will play in the future. The fans plan to travel through France, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia before reaching their final desitination Azerbaijan. Neil Dymock, G&ocircl Trustee and ‘BakuorBust’ Project Manager said: “We have had so much support from people in Wales it’s been incredible.
“It will be great to see underpriveldged children across Europe in their new Wales kits and playing a game of football.

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