MDA Harborfest Saturday The scheduled performers include Crossfire Bluegrass Band at 10 a.m., Hot Sauce Band at 11, Jupiter Ray at 12:15, Heartbreaker (Led
Zep tribute) at 1:30, After Eight Band at 2:45, 2007 MDA Idol winner Laura Mitchell at 3:45 p.m., and the Bermuda Strollers at 4:30. For entertainment information, call Mike Landers at 508-747-7727. For further concert information, visit Yard sale Saturday to benefit Alzheimer’s Association Garzoni and his family walk in the Alzheimer’s Association annual fundraiser at Plimoth Plantation. Anyone wishing to participate in the Memory Walk or donate can go to Registration starts at 9 a.m. Oct. 4 and the walk starts 10 a.m.