School For The Blind Supporters Trying New Legal Tactic 2009: By Rob

School For The Blind Supporters Trying New Legal Tactic

BY ROB MANNING Opponents of the decision to close the Oregon School for the Blind are trying another legal tactic to keep the state
from shutting down the Salem property. Rob Manning explains. Attorney Tyler Smith is already suing to ensure suitable services for students who used to attend the School for the Blind. Now, Smith is also suing the state of Oregon over the property itself. Smith argues that the state doesn’t own one-fifth of the property, and can’t sell it. Only problem is, no trust exists. Smith says in that event, the deed calls on the state Supreme Court. Smith says the court could name as trustees the school for the blind’s board members. They oppose closure.
Tyler Smith: “Or, the other outcome, it could say ‘no, there’s no charitable trust, so the Supreme Court has to appoint a similar charity to fulfill the intent of the donors’.”

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