A Scarf for Lewy

Wrap love around Lewy – join A Scarf for Lewy, knitting hope for brighter tomorrows.

Lewy body dementia, a lesser-known yet significant neurodegenerative disorder, profoundly impacts individuals and their families. Named after abnormal protein deposits in the brain, known as Lewy bodies, this condition presents a complex array of cognitive, motor, and behavioral symptoms. Often characterized by fluctuating cognitive abilities, visual hallucinations, and Parkinson’s-like movement problems, Lewy body dementia poses unique challenges in diagnosis and care. Navigating the journey of this disease requires understanding its intricate nature and embracing specialized approaches that enhance the quality of life for both those affected and their support networks.

Amidst the complexities of Lewy body dementia, The Lewy Body Society emerges as a guiding light. Committed to raising awareness, supporting research, and offering assistance, they stand as a beacon of hope for individuals and families facing this challenging journey.

And now, an opportunity arises to join hands with The Lewy Body Society in a creative and impactful way. Introducing “A Scarf for Lewy,” their upcoming fundraising event that seamlessly blends artistry and compassion. By participating, you not only contribute to vital research and support but also showcase solidarity with those affected by Lewy body dementia.

On the 17th October 2023 we are holding an event with a difference.

This time we are going to wrap a huge scarf around Waterfront Hall in Belfast.

And again, our aim is to raise awareness of Lewy body dementia, the second most common type of dementia in older people.

Lewy body dementia is a little-known type of dementia that is very different to the most common type, Alzheimer’s disease, and requires different support and treatment. It can be very challenging to live with and is often misdiagnosed. We want more people to know about Lewy body dementia so that those affected get better support, and there is more scientific research into the disease.

As a change from our event of last October, we want all those who can help on the day to knit and wear their SCARF FOR LEWY.

For those who can’t be with us, we’d love you to make a Pom Pom – any yarn, any size (within reason)- with an attached label of dedication. These will be proudly displayed on the day.

Time is running out so start “Pom Poming” to help us make this event the most successful yet!!

Please post your support on social media with the hashtag #AScarfForLewy.

You can send your Pom Pom to :

A Scarf for Lewy
c/o Green Tree Court
81 Harrington Lane

We would love to see your progress pictures!

The deadline for us receiving your pom pom is 9th October 2023.

Become part of this meaningful initiative – sign up today for A Scarf for Lewy and wrap those in need with care and compassion.

Charity Organization Name:
The Lewy Body Society
Event Location:
Waterfront Hall, 2 Lanyon Place, Belfast, BT1 3WH
United Kingdom
Event Date and Time:
Starts at: