Cancer Charity Inspires Students 2009: Minivan Plant

Cancer charity inspires students

– Our minivan plant idled for up to 9 weeks — – Fiat could eventually own up to…
When Bryan Yaworsky’s Grade 12 class at Forster high school heard the story of Alexandra Scott, they knew they had to do something. “She was four years old and raised a million dollars,” says 17-year-old Jordan Sickles. “That makes me want to do something. If she can do it, we can do it.” Sickles and his classmates are organizing a five-kilometre run to benefit the charity. They are calling it The Lemon Run. It started as an assignment for their leadership course. But for many of the students, it has become more than just a class project. “We can make a change,” says Xavier Urbina, 17. “I want to see people focusing on this.”
The students have been calling local businesses, handing out flyers and making presentations at other schools.

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